As I shot a new Japanese Lesson video on my YouTube yesterday,
I am writing on it and explain a bit more about the Lesson I made.
I explain how to say
“I want to do something” in Japanese :).
If you like the video, please subscribe my channel from here!!
“Want to” part is “たい (tai)” in Japanese.
You will add this “tai” after verbs.
There are some rules when you add this “tai”.
Will explain the most basic pattern first then move on to other 2 patterns.
** Pattern 1 **
First of all, Japanese verbs end with “u” sound in the dictionary form
(dictionary form = the most simply form and this one you see
in the dictionary when you look the words up).
When you add “tai” to say ‘I want to do something’ in Japanese
you would need to change the ending to “i” sound.
For example,
If you want to say “I want to go”, then “go” in Japanese is “iku (行く)”
so you change the last “u” to “i” ( = “iku” —> “Iki“) and add “tai”.
That will make “iki tai” = “want to go”.
If you want to say “I want to go to Nippon Budokan” then
“Nippon Budokan ni ikitai” would be the sentence :D!
The word “magaru (曲がる)” = “make turn”
would change as
“magaru” —> “magari” + “tai” —> “magaritai” = want to make turn
The word “aruku (歩く)” = “walk”
would change as
“aruku” —> “aruki” + “tai —> “arukitai” = want to take a walk
** Pattern 2 **
The verbs end with “suru”
will have slightly different way when adding the “tai”.
For these, you will take off the last “ru” and change the second last
sound “su” to “shi” (changing “u” to “i” the same as pattern 1)
For these verbs, you can just think take off “suru” and replace
it with “shitai”.
Whichever easy for you to remember would be good I think.
For example,
If you want to say “want to drive”, “drive” in Japanese is “unten suru (運転する)”
so you will take off “suru” and replace with “shitai”.
So it will be “unten shitai”
With the word “move”, “move” in Japanese is “idou suru (移動する)”
so “ido shitai” will be “want to move”
If you want to say “I want to move to some place else” then
“betsu no basho ni idou shitai” would be the sentence.
In above sentence “betsu no basho” = different place
And…. as I am writing this blog….. I just discovery something else that
I did not notice while I was shooting the video…… (*__*). Oopsy oopsy……..!
Sorry! Being Japanese, I really do not know the grammatical rules very well….
Forgive me!!
So add the additional video here.
** Pattern 3 **
The verbs end with “e + ru”.
This “e” means the sound with vowel “e” such as “ke”, “se”, te” etc.
For these verbs, take off the last “ru” and just add “tai”.
The verb “eat“ in Japanese is “taberu(食べる)”.
If you want to say “I want to eat”
it will be “tabe” + “tai” —-> “tabetai” = I want to eat.
Another example,
the verb “ageru (あげる)” is “give” in Japanese.
If you want to say “want to give” then it will be
“agetai” take off the “ru” and just add “tai”.
If you want to say “I want to give a present to my girlfriend”
it will be
“kanojo ni present wo agetai”
In above sentense “kanojo” is a girlfriend in Japanese ;).
Please subscribe my channel if you like my video. Thank you!
If you have any questions, feel free to leave comment at the video!
Hope my teaching will progress in time so as your Japanese!!!