Hi there!
I have asked about Hello! Project release event so am writing about that today.
There are release event normally held on the weekend of a new single release.
They usually listed on Hello! Project Official site’s event section.
Need to check the site for the detail of the event though,
mini live (most of the time seems free to watch), talk show, handshake and cheki (photo shooting with idol(s)) are the popular event type.
For most of the events, you can pre-order online at site called such as forTUNE or Pony Canyon (for Angerme and Juice=Juice).
There are events that related to certain CD shops and you need to be at the shop to get the event ticket.
Anyways all the details should be found on the H!P official site event section.
If you want to attend the event and need help, leave a comment at this post ;).
For my fee structure, check my service page. It is basically 20% of your purchase + all the necessary fee.