Hello~ how are you doing today?

Today, I will try to write an article again on “eat cheap in Japan”.

Even more cheap than the last article!

Eat edible weeds!!!!! Oh yeah~~~~~~!!!


weed1        weed2




Just in case, I am kidding ne haha-!

Do not eat weeds! It probably hard to tell the difference between edible and inedible XDDD!


OK now, here we go.

From what I know, eating out cost you more than eat in a house.
So… this time, I will try to think what you can do to eat in while you are traveling in Japan.


If you are staying at hostel of guest house type of inn,
it looks that they have easy cooking instruments such as toaster, microwave stuffs like that.

What you want eat probably depends on what you usually eating though,
I would just list things that would probably be cheap for you to try.


1.        Bread, usually cost 100 – 150yen for a loaf or pack 



2.        If you are getting a simple loaf of bread, 

you may want to buy somethingthat you can put on top. Such as cheese, butter, bacon etc.

Hum considering buying those extra something, it might be good to

buy something like that on the right on above picture…

3.        Cereal, looks the price for most products are more or less 1g = 1yen. 

This one in the picture is 380yen for 350g.


4.        If you are going for cereal, you would probably buy milk too right?


The milk would be around 200yen for 1 liter.

There are 500ml one as well at about 150yen.


5.        Yogurt might be good to buy as well. 

It would be 150-200yen for 400g product on the left and

around 200yen for the right type of products here below.

yogurt yogurt2

6.        Frozen pasta would be good too if your hostel has freezer you can use. 

It would be 100-200yen.


There should be more but just to give an idea!

 If you need to buy some plates, spoon and stuffs like that,
you can get them at 105yen at 100yen shops!

Some of the hostels might have them for the guests but I am not sure about that since I have never stayed those place before.

Oh I came up with something else too.

If your hostel has microwave, buy potato and heat it up in microwave
with some wrapper would be a good idea too.

The wrapper, you can of course buy it in 100yen shop
and potato would be 30-50 yen I believe.

You can eat with mayonnaise or something ne!
There is really tiny mayonnaise you can buy at super market probably around 100yen.

You can probably try with some other veges too :D!


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