

How are you doing?

I went to Osaka yesterday to meet up with my friend Tony and his 2 girls!


It was SO MUCH FUN~~~!

Tony married to a Japanese woman so he gets to come back to his idol land Japan every summer!

Bet very envious situation for those idol fans oversea XD!! Tony seems to enjoy every minute of it.


We met up last summer for the first time (met up twice) so this was the second time for us to meet.

Tony has 2 cute daughters named Haruka and Miki!

I met Miki last year but not Haruka. Haruka had a plan with her friend and could not come but this time, yay!!


This is Haruka, Miki and me at a 31 ice cream shop after Yakiniku.

Tony took me to the nice Yakiniku dinner. Thanks Tony———!!!


Haru, Miki, me

Hehe, love this pic!


This is Tony, Miki and me.


Tony, Miki, me


We met up a bit past 1 in the afternoon at Kid’s Plaza Osaka yesterday.

There are many fun stuffs at this plaza that we can try and experience a lot of stuffs.


You can try being a TV caster, reporter. This is how that came out!

Pretty cool, isn’t it?!?!

We have tried voice acting too! That was pretty much fun as well =D!


Haruka and Miki tried crafting as well.

Making a ghost with pieces of wood.

Left photo is Haruka and right one is Miki.


You cannot see it very well though, Miki (on the right photo) got really big and thick wood block.

I think it took her like 20 minutes to cut it XD. She got all tired up after this program XDDDDD.

Good job Miki and Haruka!!

This is Miki’s work.                                                                     And this one is Haruka’s.


The instructor showed all the kids’ work at the end.

Haruka & Miki with their crafted ghosts!



Miki enjoys drums and some other music instruments.


Miki and I played “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” together with the instrument on the right photo!

Dina-chan a friend of mine from Indonesia taught me that the instrument on the right photo is called

angklung” a traditional Indonesian instrument!! Cooool! Thanks Dina-chan!!


Haruka is a fashion girl, trying on all kind of ethnic clothes they had =D!



Close to this dressing section, they had a big globe that you can hear greeting and some other stuffs in many languages by plugging in a telephone looking tube.


It was so much fun!

Thank you Tony, Haruka and Miki!!! Let’s meet up again next year (^3^)!!!!!

Oh for the side note, Kid’s plaza allow us to go out and re-enter on the same day.

Maybe we can go there earlier if we gonna go again and in case girls want to be there longer =D.

Sounded they did (^ ^).


For those who are interested in visiting,

the admission fee is 600yen for elementary and junior high students.

1,200yen for adult.

For more info, check out the homepage.

Ah~ tanoshikatta——– (*^0^*) !!!!!!


P.S.  This is Miki last year.


Did not think she has changed that much as we met and played but comparing the photos,

she has changed a lot!!!

Her front teeth must have got the adult’s ones I just noticed by seeing this photo!!

She looked more small child like with rounder face line and all!!

The cuteness has not changed a bit though <3 <3 <3 !!



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Angélique · July 25, 2013 at 12:50 pm

Yahoo Nozomi ~
I remember Tony! He is the guy who gave me my first Suzuki Airi 2L set, lol. In 2010! (It’s only from this time I could order Idol goods). I’m still really thankful to him!

It seems you had a lot of fun!! His daughters and wife seems genuinely nice.

    nozomi · July 25, 2013 at 2:09 pm

    Hey Angelique!
    Thanks for the comment!!!!
    Oh wow! You know Tony?!?! Have you met him since you know how he looks and knowing his daughters and wife?!?!
    I have not met his wife yet! Maybe next year ( *´艸`)!
    Talking and viewing photos of people from Idol!Swap and Hello! Online, world is very very small =D!!!
    Hehe, I really did have a lot of fun yesterday (^0^)! I was even smiling in the train on the way back XDDD!

      Angélique · July 25, 2013 at 3:31 pm

      I know how he looks since he often posted pictures of him with his daughers on his Hello! Online profile, when I was still chatting with people on that forum, lol.
      It seems they daughters brought you a lot of happiness! That’s youth ahah

        nozomi · July 26, 2013 at 11:34 am

        Oh I see~.
        Those kids are cutie, aren’t they (*^^*)?!?!
        They did bring me a lot of happiness! It is really fun looking at them having fun also =D! It was really really a good time (~.~)!!

Holly! ٩(╹౪╹๑)۶ · July 25, 2013 at 6:49 pm

so cute! looks like you guys all had a wonderful time. ^_^

    nozomi · July 26, 2013 at 11:38 am

    Hey Holly~! Thanks for the comment!
    Yay we did have a greaaaat time =D!
    Oh, I just realized you have a blog on Ameblo?!?!
    Not much recent post though, I had one there too =D!!
    Just left peta (*^3^*).

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