Hello there!
I am thinking about making my blog and all the info mainly to facebook since it might
be easier and simpler for me to update the info.
What would you think?
Please comment if you need this blog for some reasons then I will think and figure out
what I can do!
Lenny · August 15, 2014 at 5:10 am
Hi Nozomi, sorry this is kind of not related to your post but i’m interested in purchasing a bunch of concert tickets for September. The ones im interested in are Berryz, morning musume, babymetal etc and such would you be able to help?
ps. I enjoy your blog 🙂 espeically the directions are really helpful.
nozomi · August 15, 2014 at 9:15 am
Hi Lenny!
Thanks for the comment!
I have replied to your email address.
Please check ;)!!!
Glad to know that you like the directions blog <3!