Hello there.

I have asked about the C-ute last concert ticket that will be held next June (June 2017) at Saitama Super Arena.
He wanted to know if I can help him.

So I will share the reply to his question here.

There are several ways though, these are 2 most recommended.

1)  Buy a FC ticket on Yahoo auction

     (the biggest Japanese auction site) when the fan club lottery result comes out.

     This is usually sometime 3-6 months before the concert.

     At this time the seat number is not known.

2) Buy a FC ticket on Yahoo auction

     around 2 weeks prior to the concert when the ticket is shipped to the FC

     members so the auctions are with seat number.

Here is the link to the Yahoo auction result keyword

C-ute Saitama Arena FC

so if you see tickets come out and want to ask me to get hold a ticket for you, you can leave comment here :).

Any questions, feel free to leave comments.
OK! Later!!

Related posts:”C-ute SSA ticket 2017 How much?” and “C-ute SSA ticket 2017 Buying process


P.S. Have asked whether to become

the H!P fan club member and enter the FC lottery is the best way.

Here is what I think.

Those big concert such as disbanding and popular member graduation,


For the Buono! reuniting concert last month (August 25th 2016),
I went for the FC lottery with 3 memberships for my friends and just won 1.

It costs 6,100yen (without any fee) to just join the FC

so I think it might be better to put that 6,100yen for the bidding money.

The decision is all yours so if you want to become the FC member and enter the lottery, I can help you with that also. For those people contact me quick since the FC lottery usually be held 3-6 months prior to the concert, and it takes a month or a month and a half to become the member after the payment to join so I believe

you would want to join the FC in September 2016

or top October to be safe :).

Oh, one more thing.

If you are already the H!P FC member then you should go for the lottery since you do not have to pay that 6,100yen.

In that case, I can help you also.

So let me know when the FC will have the lottery (should be sometime between Dec 2016 ~ March 2017).

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virgil Cañaveral · September 2, 2016 at 2:13 pm

I’m from México and i’m saving money ’cause I really want to go to that concert, if I understood…you can get a tickey for me, can’t you? What is the process to hold a ticket with you and do you know around how much it will cost? Thanks

    nozomi · September 2, 2016 at 3:08 pm

    Hi Virgil thanks for the comment ^_^.

    Thanks for the comment on facebook as well. I will make a post for your question since I believe there are many people who would like to know about this :).

Darin · November 17, 2016 at 7:12 am

When can we buy tickets? Id like to go to this…

    nozomi · November 17, 2016 at 1:41 pm

    Hi Darin,

    Thank you for the comment.
    The tickets are not out at the moment.

    Most probably the tickets will be out sometime 3-6 months before the concert.
    You should see some tickets if you keep checking on this link

Erin · January 6, 2017 at 4:53 am

Hi! I’m glad I found your page. I’m going to keep a look out when FC tickets go on yahoo auction. Do you think you would be able to help me? Thanks. 🙂

    Anything About Japan · January 6, 2017 at 5:44 pm

    Hi Erin,

    Thanks for your message. I will be happy to help. I just sent an email to your yahoo email address.
    Please check and if anything not clear let me know. Please check the spam box also if you do not see
    it in inbox. Thank you!

Anna Lewandowska · February 22, 2017 at 4:23 pm

My Name is Anja and i am from Germany and i really Love to Go to The Last Concert of C-ute ,because i wanna See Them at least once in my Life.
I know as i See from your Last Messages that The Tickets are Not Out yet,but if The Tickets come Out,how can i buy Them if everything is in Japanese ?

    Anything About Japan · February 23, 2017 at 3:31 am

    Hi Anja, thanks for your comment.
    You cannot use Yahoo Auction unless you understand Japanese.
    If you check on this link
    “contact form” at the bottom of the above post, you can contact me there to let me know how many tickets you want etc. so I can help you.
    Hope it clears your question. Danke!

Anna Lewandowska · February 26, 2017 at 10:54 am

Here is Anja again,

I have got a question to the Accommandation Info mail.
Do i have to Book The Hotel and The flight to Saitama First before i can receive The Concert Ticket,because in The Accommandation Mail it’s Said that i have to send a Mail to the Hotel i am staying during The days ,but i did Not yet Book The Hotel ,so i do Not know how to contact The Hotel.
I am asking you ,because i am afraid If i Book The Hotel and The flight before and i am Not getting The Concert Ticket i will stay in Tokyo for für days without a Plan and therefor it’s too expensive for me.

    Anna Lewandowska · February 26, 2017 at 10:56 am

    Sorry i mean four* days Not für

    Anything About Japan · February 26, 2017 at 11:14 am

    Hi Anja,

    Oh you are the one who sent the email via the form.
    No you DO NOT HAVE TO BOOK your flight and hotel to ask me to buy tickets.
    The tickets are not out so I did not reply to your earlier emails.

    But I came to notice that you did not know the tickets are out or not.
    I just added a screen shot on this post and update the dates, so it will be more clear to people who do not read Japanese. Sorry if I made you worried over not replying on the emails earlier.
    So please do contact me again when you see the tickets are out via the form?
    Danke =D!!! Arigato :).

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