Hello every one!


Thank you for the questions on my previous post “C-ute Saitama Arena ticket 2017” and

warm welcome back comment ^_^ <3. Arigato!!

I have added P.S. for the question from Josh about becoming the H!P fan club member to enter the FC ticket lottery and in this post will answer the question from virgil.

You may want to read “C-ute Saitama Arena ticket 2017” to fully understand this post.


So here we go!

virgil wants to know

how much would the ticket cost for such a concert on Yahoo auction and also how the process will be.

How much would the ticket cost?

This is all depends how much people want to bid on the auction, however I think

giving the winning price on Buono! concert August 25th 2016

may give you an idea,

so will write how much it was for Buono! concert ticket.

Before I start writing, the venue will be different from Buono! concert.

Buono! was held at Nippon Budokan, capacity 14,471.

C-ute concert will be at Saitama Super Arena, capacity 37,000. Oh so SSA will have more seats, that seems good :).

C-ute Saitama Super Arena 2017 ticket cost

OK! So writing about how much.

As I checked, there were

1) 58 auction history in May, June and July 2016

(this was when and after the FC lottery result came out) and

the winning price was between 10,000 ~ 17,500yen.* 1


Since the original FC ticket price was 8,300yen, the auction price was not that bad.


2) 681 auctions in August. * 2

The first FC ticket with seat number came out on August 9th which is 16 days prior to the concert (the concert was August on 25th so it was 2 weeks + 2 days before the concert).

The lowest won FC ticket was 7,850yen on August 18th.

The seat number was

2nd floor NorthEast stand Row D between 13-26.

For Budokan seat map example, refer this link.

The price was even cheaper than the original FC price 8,300yen (@.@)…


The most expensive FC ticket was 270,000yen.

Yes crazy high price.

The seat number was

Arena B5 between 1~9 (maybe the first row).

For Budokan seat map example, refer this link.


OK, to make the article simple, I will write the process in different post =).

Phew~~~~, I am doing a good work, amn’t I xp hehe!! OK later~~~!


Related posts: “C-ute SSA ticket 2017 Buying process” and “C-ute Saitama Arena ticket 2017” (had the link in the article also)


Additional note:

Here are some other things I noticed while searching, but did not want to write in the article since it would get confusing.

Here is the additional note for the mark *1 in the article.

1) The number of auctions held in May, June, July were 10, 20 and 28 each.

Auctions held in July, there were tickets with seat number.

Those were probably achieved with normal ticket sales which is super competitive with these concert.

So I am not going to help you with this normal ticket sale. Too much work with super low reward (close to 0 chance to get the ticket with calling the number for 15 minutes non stop or going to convenience store 10am and such).

2) In August, there were non FC tickets with seat number and FC tickets without seat number sold

before the FC ticket with seat number came out on August 9th.

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virgil Cañaveral · September 4, 2016 at 6:42 am

This is a good information thanks, I want to know something else, can I buy a ticket without being a FC member? How could you help me? I want to know the exact process to get a ticket with you…how I will pay you? How much is gonna be your fee? Sorry if I can’t explain me so well, I’m very bad in english jejeje

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