If you click here, you will be lead to the Yahoo Auction Japan page.
Something like this one below.
Where the red square and the arrow on the above picture is where you put your keyword(s). A glass looking icon is where you press for search after putting your keyword(s).
If you want to look for let say “Morning Musume Pinup”, then you put that keyword in Japanese.
You can use google translator for the translation.
When you put in a search window, you need to put space between “Morning Musume” and “Pinup” like this one below.
On the google translation it will come out without the space.
With or without the period(.) after the Musume, you will get almost the same result.
I did it now with and without, without had a result more than with :p.
Now if you want to search for certain idol’s Pinups,
let say “Tanaka Reina” and “Kamei Eri” you can of course search for “Tanaka Reina” and “Pinup” once and then “Kamei Eri” and “Pinup” next, but if you want to do it at once then you can use bracket.
If you use bracket as “(Tanaka Reina Kamei Eri) Pinup” for the keyword then you will get the combination of “Tanaka Reina” and “Pinup” OR “Kamei Eri” and “Pinup”.
In another word, the keyword out of the bracket is used as must be included keyword
but the keywords in the bracket are used for including this one or another.
You can of course use this for like Morning Musume “CD” and “goods” if you are looking for either of them etc.
Hope this will help~!!
Probably tomorrow, I will write on searching WITHOUT option ;).
Keep checking!!
Sylvain · March 20, 2013 at 9:06 pm
Thank you Nozo-chan 😀
asknozomi · March 20, 2013 at 10:36 pm
Oh hey Sylvain!
I was going to let you know that I made the blog XD!
You have a blog too ne~? Will go check o(^-^o)(o^-^)o!!